I want to...
This will be my...
This property is a...
Have you or your spouse ever served in the military?
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What is the estimated property value?
What is the remaining balance of your mortgage?
Would you like to take cash out or borrow additional cash?
What is your estimated credit score?
Would you like to add 30 yr ARM rates to your search?
They're a lot lower than 30yr fixed
Compared to 30 yr fixed:
- Have a lower rAte (0.5% – 1.0% lower)
- Have lower Monthly Payment
- Help you build equity faster
ARMs offer increased Protection:
- Fixed rate for 5, 7, 10 years
- Max rate limits
ARMs are one of the best options if:
- You are planning to move or refinance within 10 years
- If this is your starter home (or not forever home)
Select the loan terms you would like to see
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